Sentimental Tweets from Project Gutenberg Books

First of all, choose a book entering some keywords of its title or author and doing dropdown navigation. Books are downloaded from Project Gutenberg. You can browse the complete catalog here.

After that, choose the sentiment of tweets you want to generate. There are four possible methods than can return slightly different results. All of them assess the sentiment of each word of a sentence and sum up the result to give a scoring for it. The more negative is this scoring, the darker is the sentiment. The more positive, the brighter. You can find a nice explanation of these techniques here.

Next parameters are easy: you can add the title and author of the book where sentence is extracted as well as a link to my blog and any other string you want. Clicking on the lower button you will get after some seconds a tweet below. Click as many times you want until you like the result.

Finally, copy, paste and tweet. Enjoy it!